lulu in the city

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Please Come Support Solar 2!

Solar One logo
Please Come Support Solar 2!
This Wednesday at 7pm Manhattan Community Board 6 will vote on Solar One's request to raise the photovoltaic (solar) array 15'3" over the roof of the new Solar 2 building.  The overall height of the building is not being raised, just the solar panels themselves.  This has been requested by Solar One to avoid damage to the solar panels from snow and other debris that is thrown over the drive by snow plows as was evidenced this winter.  A second reason for raising the solar panels was the cost savings of close to a million dollars. 
If you are in favor of Solar One's request and the Solar 2 building, we are asking you to attend the Community Board meeting and voice your support.  We need your help and this vote is critical to our achieving net-zero energy status. 
When:   Wednesday, March 11th at 6:45pm

Where: NYU Medical Center Classroom B
           550 First Avenue at 30th Street
Please arrive by 6:45pm and sign up to speak for up to 3 minutes at the public session of the meeting which starts at 7pm.  Or, if you prefer not to speak, please come to the meeting to show your support.